Leadership is a balancing act. Almost every quality of great leaders can be overdone and its polar opposite can be...
Multitasking has become a buzzword globally. People are often confused with what to do one thing first due to the...
My life changed forever on October 1st, 2013. I had just walked into my new job when I received this...
Regardless of whether you are a recent college graduate, just obtained a two-year associate degree from a vocational school, or...
Do you ever feel stuck? Like your soul wants to be doing something other than what you’re actually doing, even...
Failure, setbacks, and rejections. These are among the most common culprits of people not following through on their goals and,...
Imagine a life where every small victory is cherished, every milestone celebrated, and each setback serves as a catalyst for...
Many people waste their precious time thinking about their unpleasant past events and experiences, especially their relationships. Most individuals are...
People have good and bad memories. They cherish their good memories and demolish bad memories. What happens when the bad...
Everyone has goals. Whether small (“I’d like to lose 5 pounds before the summer”) or big (“I’d like to make...
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